Sweet Potatoes by our spray air fryer, do you enjoy?

Today we are going to learn to use the air fryer to make sweet potatoes. They are delicious and sweet! The water spray function of the air fryer can indeed effectively reduce the possibility of food getting burned, and it can also make the food softer and waxier. Sweet potatoes are a nutrient-dense food, rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and have an irresistible unique sweet taste. If you also like to eat sweet potatoes, hurry up and try more delicious air fryer sweet potato recipes. 
You can consider the following steps:
  • Wash the sweet potatoes: Wash the sweet potatoes and remove any dirt from the surface.
  • Peel and cut into cubes: If you prefer to eat sweet potatoes without the skin, you can peel them first and then cut them into cubes. Otherwise, you can cut the sweet potatoes without peeling them.
  • Place the sweet potatoes into the air fryer basket: Place the sweet potato cubes into the air fryer and set the appropriate time and temperature.
  • Our air fryer has ”sweet potatoes function,  the Temperature is set to 200℃,  cooking time is 35 minutes.
  • Shake or turn: During the frying process, you can shake the food basket or turn the sweet potato pieces at intervals to ensure even heating.
  • Water spray: The air fryer sprays water automatically. We don’t need to spray water manually. We only need to put drinking water into the water tank.
  • Wait for completion: After frying, wait for a while to let the surface of the sweet potato pieces cool slightly, and then enjoy.
Sweet potatoes made this way should be sweet and delicious, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. If you prefer a soft texture, it is recommended to cook it for 20 minutes longer.
 Of course, this also depends on the size and thickness of the sweet potatoes cut into pieces, and whether the sweet potatoes itself has a soft and sweet texture. Depending on your taste, you can also try adding some spices to the seasoning, such as cinnamon or allspice, to make the flavor richer.
Hope you continue to enjoy making delicious sweet potatoes in the air fryer!

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