40 euros per ton! Netherlands plans to significantly increase solar panel recycling fees

According to overseas media reports, on July 1, Dutch legislation on solar panel recycling changed, requiring importers who sell solar panels to Dutch customers to pay a recycling fee of 40 euros ($42.5) per ton, which is higher than the previous per ton recycling fee. The fee of 6.5 euros per ton has increased significantly.
 Photovoltaic module importers have until 2025 to pay this fee to the Dutch NGO OPEN Foundation.
 The relevant person in charge of Stichting zone-energy Recycling (ZRN) in the Netherlands, which cooperates with the OPEN Foundation, pointed out that the funds generated by the fee increase will be used to fund a guarantee fund that will “absorb shocks in the event of market shocks.
 As of late last week, ZRN had gathered feedback from solar stakeholders on initial ideas for the fund and plans to publish the results of the public consultation “soon.” There will also be a round allowing stakeholders to provide further feedback before the agency submits their recommendations to the OPEN Foundation, which will make a final ruling.
 The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) said in 2016 that cumulative photovoltaic waste is expected to exceed 78 million tons by 2050.

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